Classic Bike Fit – Our proven formula
Our Classic Bike Fit consists of a side and front video to analyze your posture and pedaling technique with respect to your style of riding and physical characteristics. We will also do a complete cleat fitting and will be able to test different components as needed (such as saddles, bars and stems). You can also use this service to determine the measurements for a new bike, in which case we would use our Fit Bike when no other bike is present.
The Classic Bike Fit Includes:
- A discussion of your cycling background (objectives, discomforts, injuries and so)
- Anthropomorphic measurements and a physical test
- Cleat adjustments to optimize the foot/pedal interaction (the use of shims and wedges if necessary)
- Front and side video analysis on the bike
- Adjustments to the bike and a complete bike fit report with your measurements
- Advices about your posture and pedalling technique
Length of the Classic Bike Fit: 1h15-1h30
Price: 295.- for the fitting of a first bike
220.- for the fitting of a second bike, Follow up session: 120.-/h rate
You will need to bring your bike, cycling shoes, and cycling shorts and jersey for the rendezvous. If you do not currently have a bike, please bring only your cycling shoes and clothes.