Dynamic Bike Fit – Our most complete bike fitting service
The Dynamic Bike Fit procedure utilizes several different technologies: A lateral and frontal video analysis to analyze your posture and pedaling technique with respect to your style of riding and physical characteristics. We also analyze the how you interact with the saddle, using a saddle pressure analysis tool and an insole pressure analysis tool is also potentially used. In the end, this gives us a complete look at how you are interacting with the bike and distributing your weight while pedaling. You can also use this service to determine the measurements for a new bike, in which case we would use our Fit Bike when no other bike is present.
The Dynamic Bike Fit includes:
- A discussion of your cycling background (objectives, discomforts, injuries and so)
- Anthropomorphic measurements and a physical test
- Cleat adjustments to optimize the foot/pedal interaction (the use of shims and wedges if necessary)
- 360° video analysis on the bike
- Saddle pressure analysis (saddle and insole testing if needed)
- Pedaling technique biomechanic analysis
- Adjustments to the bike and a complete bike fit report with your measurements
- Advices about your posture and pedalling technique
Length of the Dynamic Bike Fit: 1h45-2h15
Price: 400.- for the fitting of a first bike, 220.- for the fitting of a second bike (Mountain Bike, Tri-Bike, Time Trial Bike, Track Bike, and Road Bike all accepted), Follow up session: 120.-/h rate
You will need to bring your bike, cycling shoes, and cycling shorts and jersey for the rendezvous. If you do not currently have a bike, please bring only your cycling shoes and clothes.